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In situ availability: good
Atomic number: 16
Atomic mass: 32.066
group: 16
period: 3
normal phase: Solid
series: Non-metals
density: (alpha) 2.07 g/cm3

(beta) 1.96 g/cm3
(gamma) 1.92 g/cm3

melting point: 388.36K,
boiling point: 717.8K,
P ← S → Cl
Atomic radius (pm): 100
Bohr radius (pm): 88
Covalent radius (pm): 102
Van der Waals radius (pm): 180
ionic radius (pm): (-2) 184
1st ion potential (eV): 10.36
Electron Configuration
2s2 2p6
3s2 3p4
Electrons Per Shell
2, 8, 6
Electronegativity: 2.58
Electron Affinity: 2.08
Oxidation states: +/-2, 4, 6
Magnetism: ?
Crystal structure: Orthorhombic

Sulfur is a Non-metal in group 16. It has a Orthorhombic crystalline structure. This element has 4 stable isotopes: 32, 33, 34, and 36.

Sulfur is availible in lunar soil in significant quantities, principally in the form of troilite (FeS), comprising around 1% of the lunar crust[1]. In addition, concentrated veins of troilite have been found in some lunar rocks, and it has been suggested that larger deposits of the mineral may exist[2].

Troilite is non-magnetic when its crystal structure is complete. However, it is commonly associated with native iron in the lunar regolith. As such, magnetic gathering of iron fines could produce a significant amount of troilite as a byproduct. Troilite may also be separable from the lunar regolith by a combination of mechanical sifting and electrostatic beneficiation.

Several uses have been proposed for lunar sulfur, including rocket propellant, production of sulfuric acid for industrial processes, lunar concrete, and sealants[3].
